INTERVIEW: Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Asad Aslam Khan

*Below is an interview given by Vice Chancellor to Kemcol team in May 2011, scheduled to appear in Kemcol 2011 which will be released in a couple of weeks. Also join the fanpage of our VC on facebook. INTERVIEW WITH PROF. DR. ASAD ASLAM KHAN Vice Chancellor King Edward Medical University Eds: Sir please tell us something about your education and family background? I did my matriculation from Govt. Faisal Model School, from Govt. College and then joined KE medical college in 1979. I graduated from here in 1985. My father was a doctor and graduate of KEMC as well. I have two brothers and two sisters. My parents belong to India and whole family migrated to Pakistan in the wake of partition in 1947. I have one wife *laughter* and three children. Elder daughter is doing Bachelors in Psychology from Canada and aspires to be a clinical psychologist. Then I have two sons, one is in A levels and the other in O levels. Both are in Beacon house School System. Eds: What ...