11 points about "doctor brides" which should settle most arguments

By Maryam Ayub (4th year MBBS) I remember a rishta call my grandmother had (she loves being a one woman-matrimonial service) , in which she was asked for a doctor but she shouldn't work after marriage. My grandmother clearly told her that a simple graduate student would suffice if she just wanted a stay-at-home girl. And I know my cousin whose only condition for marriage was a person (and a family) who would let her pursue a career in general surgery. But I also know of my mom and her cousins who opted to go in teaching side to balance their work and family life since they weren't as ambitious. But the thing is i belong to an educated family with conservative yet feminist views so I know better than to think about giving up my career without a reason. A girl who is the first doctor in her family with family and susral pressure just doesn't has the support to stand up for herself even though she really wants to. So here are my eleven points which we should remember whil...