1st Year : Anatomy Substage/Stage/Prof Viva Questions

Class tests/send ups
What is fascia lata? 
What are the modifications of fascia lata in thigh?
Name the different intermuscular septa in thigh and also their purposes.
Which artery supplies the adductor muscles?
Dr. Izhar

Class tests/send ups
Pick up the hip bone. :D 
To which side does it belong?
Hold it in its anatomical position.
Give differences of male and female hip bones.
Where does sacro-iliac joint take place on hip bone?
What is pectineal line?
What is pectin pubis?
Which muscle arises from the above?
What is nerve supply of pectineus?
What is fascia lata?
Where is it attached?
Common fibular nerve is a branch of which nerve?
Sciatic nerve is supplied by which artery?
What is sinus tarsi & its contents?
Whats the clinical significence of adductor tubercle?
Dr. Ameen

Class tests/send ups
What is fascia lata? 
What are the modifications of fascia lata in thigh?
Name the different intermuscular septa in thigh and also their purposes.
Which artery supplies the adductor muscles?
Dr. Izhar

Professional (Annual)
ist of all , oye to ny to attachments ka dher lagaya hoa ha.. acha chal bta ye kia ha...explain it...which sided bone??explain the attachments n capsular attachment on upper end..wat u 've drawn on anterior aspect...
what is the function of articularis genu??
knee joint? its type? why it is complex? what are the important lignaments?what is unhappy triad injury?which ligament is easy to damage n rupture..why later ligament is spared..
what is the length of umbilical cord?if it is very lenthy then what happens?and if too small then?? what other conditions may be there...with long lenght..
ok ....
most welcome
i was given with the femur.. i didnt know that i have to draw attachments only at one end...
i drew the whole attachments ..
i forgot which sided it was ..perhaps right sided..
explain the whole thing...
articularis genu inserts on capsule and keeps it pulled...
REMEMBER...there is a hell of difference between hinge joint and condylar joint.. knee joint is condylar...
medial ligament is easy to rupture..
later ligament(fibular) is spared due to poplitius....
n then umbilical cord.. all its conditions , too much lenthy may choke the baby n may cause death and ishemia... n too short may cause difficulty in delivery...THATS ALLLL....
Professional (Annual)
Which bone do u have?
of which side?
zera idhar dikhao na me b chek karun kahin galat tou nahin bta rai... hmm sae he
what is its speciality?
hmm... good
acha... tell me something about the importance of its neck
ok... but is there any nerve related to its neck?
ok what happens if it z damaged here?
good... nw put this fibula on the table... chalo jan chutti lower limb se ab tou... hena?
idhar ajao
pointing with her stick towards a muscle... wich muscle iz this?
biceps brachii... hena?
ok tell me it's nerve supply
ok... wich other muscles are supplied by this nerve?
n y z it called so?
wich other nerve supplies brachialis?
ulnar does not supply any muscle n arm... ok leave it.
wat is the action od bicep brachii?
good... n wich other muscle performs this action?
ok show me supination...
ok u can go now
Allah Hafiz
Ma'am Attiya
amm... it disobeys law of ossification
epiphyseal line passes through it... :s
o yes yes... common peroneal nerve winds round its neck n is commonly damaged here
foot drop
yes ma'am
brachialis coracobrachialis
cox' it supplies muscles n then in the forearm it becomes cutaneous..
ulnar... nae nae... ammm...
supinator n brachioradialis
Allah Hafiz ma'am

Professional (Annual)
>pick the bone
>draw capsuler attachment and epiphyseal line
>give attachments of muscles
>give nerve supply
>give actions of these muscles
>then she asked to identify some structure on the limb
>asked its action n nerve supply
>Keep focus on Bones mainly
Always keep track of Questions being asked by examiners from previous batches.they repeat their questions very often especially external.(mam Iffat Bader from FJ) half of your prep for viva is complete if you know which questions external is asking
> dont keep quiet...tell anything you know related to the question.its better than satying dead silent.
> Be confident,mam attiya said to one of the student that ager tum confuse na hoti tou zada marks milty
prof attiya

Professional (Supply)
Histology Viva
From my rich experience here's da conclusion :
There's only one question and mostly opposite to ur major slide e.g. if u got muscular artery u'll be asked about vein, dense regular CT then about dense irreg.

Otherwise its a very easy question related to your slide like layers, or epithelium locations (v. imp),etc
Mam Attiya

Professional (Supply)
X-rays : Forearm and hand .. general features
Bone : Scapula .. type of bone, features, suprascapular foramen contents and their arrangement
Limb spotting: Which compartment is this (anterior) just start describing it, Femoral triangle- boundaries, femoral canal and its compartments, clinical importance
Mam Rihanna ft T.I.
Caution : after da 1st Q, all her next questions are derived from ur last answer
Professional (Supply)
Surface marking : Axillary nerve
Typical rib- Features, rib fractures:most common site, costal groove contents, intercostal arteries, anterior ic arteries
Heart- How many chambers, Right atrial openings, spot the coronary sinus, venous drainage of heart
Connecting stalk, formed by?
Mam Attiya
Connecting stalk formed by unsplit extra-embryonic mesoderm
Professional (Annual)
1 whch muscles ORIGINate 4m the linea aspera
2 wat is the nerve suply of biceps femoris
3 wat is the action of biceps fem?
4whch othr hammstrings r ther
5wat r synergists, antagonists n fixators
maam rihanna

Professional (Annual)
1 wat is flail chest
2 wat is pleurisy
3 wat is intercostal nerve blok
4 wat is pneomothorax
5 wch coronary artery is most comonly blokd
6 discuss venous drainage of heart
7 wat is the connecting stalk
maam attiya
see clinical 4m klm!!! n connectcing stalk is the unseperatd part of extraemmbryonic mesoderm
Professional (Annual)
lower limb
describe anterior and inferior spine of hip bone
its attachmnets.
nerve supply , action , origin , insertion of lateral compartment of leg
ma'am rehana

Professional (Annual)
describe upper end of humerus.give its attachments.
spot coracobrachialis.give its origin , insertion,nerve supply , action.
spot flexor digitorum profundus,nerve supply action.
ma'am rehana

Professional (Annual)
differences between spermatogenesis and oogenesis.
neural crest derivatives.
at what stage ovum rests during its development.
Ma'am Attiya
ask Nomi or consult book :P
Professional (Annual)
what are thoracic movements and what are they for?
what is diaphragm, its origin , insertion , nerve supply.
whats the difference between right and left crus?
what are major openings of diaphragm?describe them.
whats the nature of aortic opening?
whats meant by osseoaponeorotic?
Ma'am Attiya
ask Nomi lolz or consult book :P
Professional (Annual)
few more quests
whats pneumothorax
causes of penumothorax
x-ray findings in penumothorax
why its black?
Mam Attiya
one correction regarding previous post
RDS in neonates with gestation periods less than 7 months.
air in pleural cavity
bullet, injury,accident , knife injury etc
mediastina shift in x-ray and more imp is black appearnce of x-ray on the affected side.
black colour is due to presence of air.
mam attiya is loving in viva[even if she fails u :( ] and xternal is pathetic(different ppl had different experinces in this regard).
Professional (Annual)
pick this bone
tell me attachment of fascia lata.
whats the difference btw tensor fasica latae and fasia lata?
tell me attachements of both.
so u dont know the difference.
action of tensor fascia latae
medial rotators of thigh
lateral rotators of thigh
identify this
yeh uskay sath
whats present medial to artery
pahlay keon nae bola ...she stares a lot.....drateee hain koob
kiya banta hai axially vein ka?
kya subclavian ban jate hai?u dont know , keep standing
called another guy asked same questions and same answers
what type of axillary vein is?
classfication of veins
what kinda vein axially is
that was quite a horrible experince with her.
mam rehana
my experince with her was not good at all.
i picked with correct hand so she didnt ask me the side
i told attachement of tensor fascia latae.
oops confused,
axially artery
didnt know......
axially vein
subclavian ban jatee hai
she was not accepting that it becomes subclavian
superficial veins , deep veins
deep vein
Professional (Annual)
Identify rib
ribs least fractured and reason
lung side determination
how u identified it
city name?
characteristics of the city u belong to :P
quests abt family
why gals dont study and boys are brilliant ?:O yeah its mam aatiya :P
whats RDS
RDS is found in all children?causes of RDS?
whats decidua
what are decidua cells?
Mam Attiya
first 2 protected by clavicle
last 2 movable
left (lingula,cardiac notch, 2 lobes)
only in neonates
Premature birth
lack of surfactants
uterus after implantation
they are tall(columnar ) cells containing more glycogen etc
Professional (Annual)
identify the given rib.
what are the contents of costal groove?
explain blood supply of chest wall.
explain the lymphatics of lungs
how and where does bronchogenic cancer spread?
what is the fate of yolk sac?
ma'am attiya

Professional (Annual)
Derivatives ov yolk sac??
oblique sinus??significance?/
sympathetic trunk??
venous drainage heart??
anatomical position heart??
Maam attiya

Professional (Annual)
Nerve supply by tibial nerve
Hamstrings action
Gluteul muscles action
Superior Inferior gluteul nerve origin supply
Humerus - Which side.. Insertion on the top of greater tuberosity
Mam Rihanna Ft. Jay-Z (External)

Professional (Annual)
Articulations on sternum
Lung - Which side. Reason?
Contents of mediastinal surface
Difference bronchi & bronchiole
Yolk sac
Embryonic disc
Prof Atiya

Professional (Annual)
Groov for suaclavian artery on lft lung. Lingula. Hilum.
Embryo model.
Forearm muscles. Muscles of leg. Model of foot. Radiographs 4m al regions.
Superior vena cava. Rit ventricle. Atrioventricular groove.
External. Goes deep in gross. Pick up a bone nd tel evrythng abt it. Pick up a muscle. Its atachments nerv suply action. Nervs nd arteries. Retinacula. Nothng clinical nd tricky.
Mam atiya.
1st rib 2nd rib typical ribs vertebra. Pneumothorax nd its types. Nerv suply of pleura. Cervical pleura.Foldin, fertization results, decidua, stomodium, pleura, pericardiun, retineculum, forearm, scapula, joints, axilary. .
Sperm count. Duration of spermatogenesis. Length of uterine tube. Derivativs of ectodrm endodrm neural crest cels mesodrm alantois gut. No. Of somites. Yolk sac. Abnormalities of uterus nd uterine tube
Mam Atia & external

Professional (Annual)
Groov for suaclavian artery on lft lung. Lingula. Hilum.
Embryo model.
Forearm muscles. Muscles of leg. Model of foot. Radiographs 4m al regions.
Superior vena cava. Rit ventricle. Atrioventricular groove.
External. Goes deep in gross. Pick up a bone nd tel evrythng abt it. Pick up a muscle. Its atachments nerv suply action. Nervs nd arteries. Retinacula. Nothng clinical nd tricky.
Mam atiya.
1st rib 2nd rib typical ribs vertebra. Pneumothorax nd its types. Nerv suply of pleura. Cervical pleura.Foldin, fertization results, decidua, stomodium, pleura, pericardiun, retineculum, forearm, scapula, joints, axilary. .
Sperm count. Duration of spermatogenesis. Length of uterine tube. Derivativs of ectodrm endodrm neural crest cels mesodrm alantois gut. No. Of somites. Yolk sac. Abnormalities of uterus nd uterine tube
Mam Atia & external

Professional (Annual)
branches of common peronial..n its supply?
difference b/w tela chorodia n choroid plexus?
cranial nrve nuclei at da lvl of pons?
askd 2 make ankle joint?
spotting (sartorius, adductor magnus, common peronial )
mam raffia

Professional (Annual)
derivates ov hypoblast?
side determination of scapula?
suprascapular notch k contents?
describe coracoid process in detail?
insertion on coracoid?
diffrence b/w canal and groove?
optic canal..structures passing through it?
opthalmic is branch of?
branches of internal carotid aetery?
types of pure motor nerves?
spotting frm entensor compartment of arm...
mam rehana

Professional (Annual)
derivates ov hypoblast?
side determination of scapula?
suprascapular notch k contents?
describe coracoid process in detail?
insertion on coracoid?
diffrence b/w canal and groove?
optic canal..structures passing through it?
opthalmic is branch of?
branches of internal carotid aetery?
types of pure motor nerves?
spotting frm entensor compartment of arm...
mam rehana

Professional (Annual)
1.How can u identify the superior and inferior aspects of cerebellum? 
2.make the knee joitn?
3.what r adjunct and conjunt rotation
4.identify tibial nerve gastrocnemius and flexor hallucius longus
maam Rafia

Professional (Annual)
* area of supply of superior cerebellar artery
* significance of primary fissure of cerebellum
* nerve supply of extensor compartment of leg
* cutaneous innervation of foot and leg
* boundaries of subsartorial or adductor canal
* articular surfaces of knee joint
Mam Rafia

Professional (Annual)
* what is the fate of extra embryonic mesoderm
* what does happen to embryoblast in 2nd week of development
* how does amniotic fluid form
* attatchments on scapula
* difference between suprascapular and dorsal scapular nerve
* boundaries of ant. cranial fossa
* sigmoid sinus and tributaries of internal jugular vein
* branches of brachial artery
Mam Rehana

Professional (Annual)
WAT is the fate of Primitive streak? 
how does neurulation take place?
AttachMenTs on UlNa!!
waT getS attAChED 2 aNT. cLInoID prOceSS?
aTTacHments Of falx cERebri...
spotting on upper limb...
mam Rehana

Professional (Annual)
show the articulation between hip bone and femur..wat movements take place at this joint? 
which fibers constitute pyramid?
mam Rafia

Professional (Annual)
spotting on brain.ant. horn of lat ventricle.body.middle cerebral artery.fornix.cranial nerve nuclei at medulla.where is sup. olivary nuclei.lower limb spotting.gastrocnemius.soleus.function.lumbricals.function.cutaneous nerve supply of foot
madam rafia

Professional (Annual)
basal nuclei
show the articulation between the femur and the tibia
knee joint-locking mechanism
blood supply of menisci
Mam Raafia

Professional (Annual)
sinuses in the posterior cranial fossa
communications of the cavernous sinus
the source of the vertebral artery
attachment on the crista galli
branches of the cords in the brachial plexus
what does the notochord form?
events of the 3rd week of embryonic development
Mam Rehana

Professional (Annual)
what is fate map? 
foetal membranes
course of musculocutaneous nerve
contents of foraminae of skull
events of 16th week of embryonic development
Professional (Annual)
locking and unlocking mechanism of knee joint !!! 
spoting on limb .. functions of muscles !!!
anything about articulated foot... nerve supply by medial and lateral plantar nerves!!!
cerebellum spoying.. corpus callosum nuclei of cerebellum
mam rafia
read BD and snells
Professional (Annual)
what is cloaca ? what is cloacal membrane ? when the cloacal membrane and bucopharengeal membrane rupture ? what imporatant events takes place in 8th weak !!!! 
what is mid palmar space.. boudaries ...
give types of each motor nerve?
juglar foramen contents
placenta pervia
humerous upper end
articulated hand
spoting on upper limb
mam rehana
embryology should e read from KLM 
spotting is easy
and dont use difficult word in ur answer as .. u are being cross questioned !!! so think before u speak
Professional (Annual)
wht are the contents of suprascapular notch ? 
whts the course of suprascapular vessels ?
anastomoses around scapula ?
Radial nerve ? its course ?
cranial fossae are being asked again and again ...
foramina of skull are also asked from each student ... their contents ... sometimes the course and branches of cerebral arteries / meningeal arteries .....or where do these arise from ?
whts decidua ?wht does it mean ? (it means to shed off; its a Latin word )

whts placenta ..define it
how does the foetal circulation take place ?
wht happens when the conceptus is 16 weeks old ? or when its 14 weeks old (xlolx)

define chorion/yolk sac....

what are the relations of extensors on the forearm ?
anatomical snuff box ; its contents / relations/
whts the distribution of superficial branch of radial nerve ?

cutaneous supply of hand ?

how do you classify bones (qsn repeated tday)

whts special abt middle meningeal artery ?

whts the distribution of vertebral arteries ?
MAM rehana
ask mam REHANA
Professional (Annual)
how do you classify bones ? wht type is scapula ? 

classification of synoivial joints ?

what is anatomy ?
why do u study anatomy ?
why dont you know anatomy ?

yeah ! its mam Rehana ! ;p
MAM rehana
ask mam REHANA
Professional (Annual)
whts tentorium cerebelli ? 
cranial fossae ?
boundaries of cranial fossae ?
foramens of skull ?
coticospinal tract ?

spotting on models of embryo also coming .........

Mam Rehan taking viva from ( upper limb , GA , embryo )
Mam RAFIA from (lower limb , Neuro )

Mam Rafia is v chiilll..... MAM Rehana has some blasto business !

Histo prac v chilll !!
MAM Rehana & Mam RAFIA

Professional (Annual)
Give the nerve supply of latissimus dorsi
Dr. Attiya

Professional (Annual)
Give the nerve supply of latissimus dorsi
Dr. Attiya

Professional (Annual)
Identify the muscle (pointed by Madam's pointer)
Prof. Attiya
Teres Minor

[Just an example - I was asked T minor] Mam can point on any structure and ask ;)



  2. I'm gonna sit in mbbs part 1 exam.....did u answered all the questions right???coz i'm having difficulty...seems i should change my study plan...


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