1st Year : Past Papers
Send-up 2008- First Professional Part-1 M.B;B.S Physiology Q.No.1 A) Describe Kidney function tests (10) B) Compare and contrast the urine of diabetes mellitus and diabetes inspidus (05) Q.No.2 B) Discuss the factors that influence cardiac contractility (05) Q.No.3 A) Describe the hormonal/chemical and neural factors that regulate blood pressure (05) B) What are the causes of metabolic acidosis? How the body reacts to severe metabolic acidosis (05) Q.No.4 A) How will u investigate a person suffering from severe anaemia? what changes are likely to occur in a patient of chronic anaemia who has total hameoglobin of 4 gm? (05) B) What changes are likely to occur in human body during space travel? (05) Q.No.5 A) Describe the advantages and functions of myelin (05) B) Draw and label the structure of cardiac and skeletal muscle (05) Q.No.6 (10) Write notes on : A) Na-K pump B) Myasthenia grevis C) Haemophilia D) Cardiac Vectors Send-up 2008- First Professional Part-1 M.B;B.S Anatomy Short Essay Questions(each question carrioes 5 marks) 1-Define anastomosis.What are different types of arterial anastomosis? 2-Describe chorionic villi. 3-Draw and label microscopic structure of articular cartilage. 4-What are pericardial sinuses? Give their significance. 5-Draw and label azygous system of veins.
A) 16 years old boy has stab wound on right side of chest? Physician diagnosed penumothorax.What is nerve supply of parietal pleura? What are causes of penumothorax? What are its x-ray findings? B) A girl has fracture of mid-shaft humerus.Which nerve will be involved? Name the branches of nerve.What are consequences of damage to that nerve? · Long Essay Questions (Part A carries 13 marks, Part B carries 12 marks) A) Describe different types of twining with anomalies. B) Describe great saphenous vein. Name its tributaries. What is its clinical significance? Anatomy M.B;B.S First Professional Part-1 Annual 2008
1- Discuss the longitudinal folding of the embryo. 2- Draw and label microscopic structure of articular cartilage. 3- Define bursa, classify bursae with examples. 4- Discuss venous drainage of thoracic wall.
A) A patient presented with pain in the epigastrum and gave history that he also feels pain in the right shoulder. Which of the nerve is affected ,describe its course ,relations and distribution of that nerve. Give the reason why pain in right shoulder? B) Tennis player is suffering from pain and tenderness over lateral epicondyle of humerus with pain radiating along lateral side of forearm. Explain the condition and nerve involved. What is tennis elbow, give its cause. · Long Essay Questions (each part carries 10 marks) A) What is gestational sac, give its formation , its fluid formation , circulation in sac. what are its significance and abnormalities. B) Give the attachments , actions , arterial and nerve supply of hamstring muscles. Physiology M.B;B.S First Professional Part-1 Annual 2008 Q.No.1 Compare the features and functions of lysosomes and peroxisomes. (5) Q.No.2 What is end plate potential? What changes occur in it in myasthenia grevis? (5) Q.No.3 Draw and explain the compound action potential. (5) Q.No.4 What are filtration coefficient and filtration fraction? Give their normal values. (5) Q.No.5 A) Give an account of pressure changes in atria during cardiac cycle. What is jugular venous pulse? (10) B) What is neurogenic shock? (5) C) What are PR and QT intervals and their significance? (5) Q.No.6 A) A navy soldier remained in deep sea for about 08 hours. He came to sea level rapidly without following standard protocol. After reaching the sea level, he developed certain condition. (5) 1) What was the condition he developed? 2) What was the basis of development of that condition? 3) What was the treatment of that condition? B) What are the features of metabolic acidosis? How does the body compensate it? (5) C) Explain the mechanism of blood clotting occurring inside blood vessel. (5) D) Which factors simulate respiration during exercise? (5) Biochemistry M.B;B.S First Professional Part-1 Annual 2008 Q.No.1 A) Elaborate mechanism of activity of enzymes. (2) B) Enumerate factors effecting enzyme assisted reaction (3) Q.No.2 A) Elaborate the organizational components of Respiratory Chain. (3) B) Their functions. (2) Q.No.3 Enumerate five major genomics in human body and their clinical relevance. (5) Q.No.4 Elaborate five major peptides organizing various functions. (5) · Problem Solving Questions Q.No.1 A) A patient with a history of chronic renal failure presented with anuria was admitted in Renal Intensive Care Unit. B) Elaborate normal Renal Function with reference to acid-base balance. (5) C) Elaborate the mechanism of onset of chronic renal failure. (5) D) What would be proposed strategy of management in this case? (5) E) What are expected complications? (5) · Long essay Question Q.No.1 A) What are vitamins? (1) B) What are sources of carotenoids that are transformed into retinol , retinal and retinoic acid? (5) C) Discuss their digestion and absorption , transport and storage, release mechanism and mode of action. (5) D) What are positive functions of Vitamin A? (5) E) Elaborate recommended daily allowance? (1) F) Which abnormalities develop in its deficiency? (3) Annual Papers KEMU 2007 NOTE: THESE PAPERS ARE ACCORDING TO NEW PATTERN. AND ACCORDING TO THIS PATTERN,10 MARKS ARE FOR INTERNAL ASSESSMENT IN BOTH WRITTEN AND VIVA EACH. SUBJECT: PHYSIOLOGY MAXIMUM MARKS: 90 NOTE: All questions are compulsory. QUESTION NO. 01: a) Define AUTOMATICITY. (03) b) How it is GENERATED? (07) c) Describe the FACTORS that influence it. (10) QUESTION NO. 02: Write explanatory notes on: a) TROPONIN-TROPOMYOSIN COMPLEX. (05) b) RIGOR MORTIS. (05) QUESTION NO. 03: Write notes on: a) RED BONE MARROW. (05) b) FUNCTIONS OF PLATELETS. (05) QUESTION NO. 04: a) Draw and discuss SIGNIFICANCE OF OXYHAEMBOGLOBIN DISSOCIATION CURVE. (05) b) Describe briefly CHEMICAL CONTROL OF BREATHING. (05) QUESTION NO. 05: a) Describe the MECHANISM OF ACIDIFICATION OF URINE. (10) b) What is the composition of urine? Describe the clinical importance of URINE ANALYSIS. (10) QUESTION NO. 06: Briefly mention: a) GENESIS OF RESTING MEMBRANE POTENTIAL. (05) b) GENESIS OF WAVES OF ECG. (05) c) ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM. (05) d) TRIPLE RESPONSE. (05) SUBJECT: BIOCHEMISTRY MAXIMUM MARKS: 90 Note: Attempt all questions. QUESTION NO. 01: a) Elaborate the Basic Principal & Dynamics of Fluid Formation in Human Body. (02) b) Identify Total Fluid Contents in Human Body. (02) c) Elaborate Major Fluid Compartments in Human Body along with distribution of Electrolytes in each. (02) d) Identify Two Major Cause of Dehydration and their Management in Human Body. (04) QUESTION NO. 02: a) Illustrate the Designed Hierarchies Constituting the Structure of Proteins. (10) b) Elaborate the Oxygen Binding Characteristics of Hemoglobin and Myoglobin. (10) QUESTION NO. 03: a) Elaborate the Chemical Nature,Sources,Digestion,Absorption Pattern and Storage Sites of Vitamin A in Human Body. (10) b) Discuss Transport, Mode of Action, Biochemical Functions and Abnormalities associated with Vitamin A. (10) QUESTION NO. 04: Illustrate the role of Five Biologically active Nucleotides in Human Body. (10) QUESTION NO. 05: Enumerate five clinically significant Glycomics and their Roles in Human Body. (10) QUESTION NO. 06: Elaborate the Sources, Digestion, Absorption, Storage and Transport of Calcium and Phosphate in serum along with Biochemical Functions and Abnormalities Associated with them. (10) QUESTION NO. 07: Write notes on: a) Cytochrome P450 (05) b) Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis. (05) SUBJECT: ANATOMY MAXIMUM MARKS: 90 Note: Attempt all questions. Draw and label diagrams where required. SECTION 1 QUESTION NO.01: What is CHORION? Discuss FETAL PART OF PLACENTA and FETAL CIRCULATION with two CONGENITAL ABNORMALITIES. (10) QUESTION NO. 02: Describe the microscopic structure of LYMPH NODE. (10) QUESTION NO. 03: Give the course, relations and branches with area of supply of RADIAL NERVE in upper limb. Give the result of injury in MID HUMERUS FRACTURE. (10) QUESTION NO. 04: Give in a tabulated form Attachments, Nerve supply and Actions of the EXTENSORS of Hip Joint. (10) SECTION 2 QUESTION NO. 01: Discuss SOMITOGENESIS. (05) QUESTION NO. 02: Write about SERRATED SUTURES with examples. (05) QUESTION NO. 03: Classify and define SKELETAL MUSCLES according to their actions with examples. (05) QUESTION NO. 04: Describe the structure of CILIA. (05) QUESTION NO. 05: Enumerate the SUPERFICIAL VEINS OF UPPER LIMB, Give the formation and drainage of LONGEST SUPERFICIAL VEIN OF UPPER LIMB. (05) QUESTION NO. 06: Describe the MID PALMAR SPACE. (05) QUESTION NO. 07: What is the ROLE OF MENISCI in the movements of KNEE JOINT. (05) QUESTION NO. 08: What are CISTERNS? Name important cisterns. What is their CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE. (05) QUESTION NO. 09: Draw and label cross section of MEDULLA OBLONGATA at the level of SENSORY DECUSSATION. (05) QUESTION NO. 10: Describe the Functional Areas of FRONTAL LOBE. (05) VIVA AND PRACTICALS. SUBJECT: BIOCHEMISTRY Major viva 40 marks.......20 for external and 20 for internal multiple choice question 10 marks.......related to pracitcals and course Practical Performance 20 marks......2 practicals,only performance no written. Minor viva and Copy 20 marks SUBJECT: ANATOMY Major Viva 40 marks Bell Spotting 30 marks.......including 5 marks for surface marking Histology Practical 20 marks.......10 marks for minor slides which have to be identified only,7 marks for major slide which is to be identified and drawn and viva related to it, 3 marks for copy. SUBJECT: PHYSIOLOGY Major Viva 40 marks... 20 each for external & internal Practical 50 marks... 2 practicals... 25 marks for each with a short question of 5 marks. For rest of 20 marks, Principle, Apparatus, Procedure, Supposed Observations & Calculations and Figure are supposed to be written. Minor Viva & Copy 10 marks ******************* Annual Papers 2006 ANATOMY NOTE: SECTION A: attempt any 8 questions, q NO. 1 & 2 r compulsory. SECTION B: Attempt 6 questions Q NO. 1 & 2 r compulsory. SECTION A..................................................... 1) Draw and label the structure of Blastocyst. 2) What is Patent Foramen Ovale. 3) Draw and label Microscopic Structure of Cardiac Muscle. 4) Define Bursa, Epiphysis, and Pneumatic bone. 5) Give attachments of Extensor Retinaculum in HAND. What structures pass beneath. 6) Draw and label Anastomoses around the Elbow Joint. 7) Name the ligaments of the Hip Joint. What is importance of Ileo Femoral Ligament"? 8) Define Inversion and Eversion? Name muscles responsible for Eversion and give Nerve Supply. 9) Give the extent of Arch of Aorta. Name its branches. 10) Name the various structures present in POSTERIOR MEDIASTINUM" . What structures are supplied by PHRENIC. SECTION B................................................. 1) Draw and label the TERTIARY CHRONIC VILLUS. Describe PLACENTA PREVIA in detail. 2) Describe the MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE OF THYMUS with help of a diagram. 3) Classify SYNOVIAL JOINTS with examples. 4) Name the contents of RADIAL GROOVE. Give brief account of course and relations of RADIAL NERVE in the ARM. Define WRIST DROP. 5) Give the relations of the FEMORAL ARTERY in FEMORAL TRIANGLE. Name its BRANCHES and give CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE. 6) Give the RELATIONS of THORACIC PART OF ESOPHAGUS and give CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE. 7) Give an account of SUPERFICIAL VEINS of LOWER LIMB. PHYSIOLOGY NOTE: ATTEMPT ANY FIVE QUESTIONS. 1) Define CARDIAC OUTPUT and CARDIAC INDEX. Describe the factors which regulate the CARDIAC OUTPUT. 2) Briefly describe: a) LUNG COMPLIANCE. b) Transport of CARBON DIOXIDE in the blood. 3) Give an account of the mechanism of BLOOD CLOTTING. How can you differentiate HEMOPHILIA and PURPURA. 4) Briefly describe: a) Mechanism of RESTING MEMBRANE POTENTIAL. b) MYASTHENIA GRAVIS. 5) What is RENAL CLEARANCE? How is it used to measure GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE and RENAL PLASMA FLOW. 6) wRITE NOTES ON: a) ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM b) RENIN ANGIOTENSIN mechanism c) EDEMA BIOCHEMISTRY NOTE: ATTEMPT ANY FIVE QUESTIONS 1).................... a) Elaborate Mechanism by which Acid Base balance is Managed by different Fluids in human body. b) Discuss the Laboratory Assessment & Clinical Management in case of Metabolic Acidosis. 2..................... a) Elaborate sources, transport, storage and biochemical role of VITAMIN A in human body. b) Discuss and elaborate the Onset & Management of OSTEOPOROSIS, OSTEOMALACIA & RICKETTS. 3.................... a) Enumerate the Haemoproteins found in human body. Discuss their Structure Function Relationship in Haemoglobin A. b) Elaborate PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY & QUATERNARY STRUCTURE in PROTEINS. 4................... a) What is Enzyme inhibition? Discuss all possible Formats of Inhibitions. b) Elaborate the Principles of Classification of Enzymes. c) Elaborate the role of Oxidoreductases & Transferases with Clinical Examples. 5................... a) Isomerism in Glycomics with examples from human body. b) Discuss the Structural Format in Nucleic Acids. 6................... Write Short Notes on: a) Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis. b) Plasma Proteins c) Importance of High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Marks distribution Anatomy written=100 Practical=25 (copy=10, slides identification=10, major slide=10) Spotting=25 Surface marking=5 Viva=40 Physiology written=100 Practical=60 (written=20, copy=10, viva=20, performance=10) Viva=40 Biochem written=40 Viva=20 Practical=40 ENDS HERE |
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