2nd year : Anatomy Substage/Stage/Prof Viva questions

Exam Type
Question Asked
Correct Answer
Class tests/send ups
What is torsion of testis
Dr. Samee

Class tests/send ups
Draw sensory hamunculus
Dr Samina

Professional (Annual)
Give the branches of maxillary artery
Prf. Ghulam Ahmad

Professional (Annual)
Why cleft lip is more frequent in males?
Dr Atiya
development of lip in male embryoes is completed a little after that in females,so chances r more for non-fusion....(sory i dont remember her exact words,may b dis answer is wrong)
Professional (Annual)
name the joints made by body of first sacral vertebra..
what type of joints r these?
wat is spina bifida occulta..
development of pituitary gland..
Dr.Ghulam Ahmed(external)

Professional (Annual)
development of frontal air sinus/
Dr Tauqir

Professional (Annual)
Describe the Middle cranial Fossa ?
Prof. Ghulam Ahmad
Explain the boundaries of the middle cranial fossa.
Professional (Annual)
what is the shape of the middle cranial fossa ?
Prof. Ghulam Ahmad
Butterfly shaped ! 
Professional (Annual)
Describe the development of pancreas?
Dr Tauqeer
it arises from a ventral bud and the dorsal bud from the second part of the duodenum. The small intestine falls to the right and ventral bud comes to the right and the dorsal bud comes to the left. Finally, the ventral bud comes to the left and fuse wid the dorsal bud and forms the lower part of the head and the uncinate process. The dorsal bud forms the upper part of head, the neck, the body and the tail.
Professional (Annual)
How the duct system of Pancreas develop ?
Dr Tauqeer
there is an anastomoses between the duct of the ventral and the dorsal bud. The duct of the dorsal bud, the anastomoses, the duct of the ventral duct forms the main duct. the accessory duct is formed by the part of the dorsal duct proximal to the anastomoses.
Professional (Annual)
development of parotid gland ?
Dr Tauqeer
ectodermal origin. develops from buccal mucosa !
Professional (Annual)
what is linning eipthelim of pinna???
areas where non conrified st sq epi is present???
i told him Oesophagus+cornea... he then asked... can u name any animal in which oesophagus got cornifed epi... i cud answer but he said it wa xtra question...
type of cartilage in pinna???
its diff 4m fibrocartilage???

Dr tauqeer...

tarsal gland development...(mesodermal)
inernal acoustic meatus... show me in hemisection...its contents...
vestibulocochlear nerve, oringin,sourse...
how can u palpate kindey...(we can palpate it on the back lower to 12th rib)...
post relaitons of kindey...

Dr Ghulam ahmad...

came very late aftr Dialysis nd asking question during eating Niharrri nd complaining k BOTIAN BOHAT KUM HAN...OR LAOOO....

i was alotted mandible

attachemnts on post side...
nerve supply of genioglossus+geniohyoid
its development above Mandibular canal
lining or urethra... (upto ejaculatory duct is Transitional, terminal part stratifed squamous non cornified, rest part of prostatic ,membranous, sopngy is pseudostratified columnar)....
Dr Tauqeer and Dr Ghulam Ahmad

Professional (Annual)
she has osteology, radiographs an joints
an she asks pretty basic an prominent things
basically she conducts viva in an extremely friendly environment
like the Qs were:
1: attachmnts on sacrum
2:attachments on sternum
3: ossification of sternum (one of her favourite)
4: ossification of mandible
5: various foraminas on the base of skull an their contents
6: arcuate emminence an structure underneath
7: incisive fossa an its clinical aspect

Professional (Annual)
he is extremely unpredictable
like he has so many models in front of him an he can ask u to recognise the spots wich often are very tricky
like today an yesterday an even day before he showed a model of division of cloaca
its a pretty large model, an shows various ducts an tubules opening in urogenital sinus
1: paramesonephric duct on that model?
2: mesonephric duct there
3: urorectal septum( wich is very disputed in this model)
4: hindgut, notochord, neural tube...

then he ask u to pick up each an every viscera an name the spotted points
there was a model of larynx
he asks bout throid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, how to differentiate them frm behind
identification of oesophagus
an most importantly, wich is the muscular layer of upper 1/3rd of oesophagus, an if its voluntary or involuntary, an if involuntary then WHY??????
he asks bout the foraminas in hemisection, there he normally point out the jugular foramine, then he asks the examinee to name the contents, then he asks if there is a vein or an artery there
an if its a vein then whose tributary is it
today there was also a model from developmnt of CNS an it was tuff as hell
sir asked us to name the differnt parts, the various prominences,
basically its about models visceraz an pretty tuff Qs
no one is sure :)
Professional (Annual)
internal 4m head n nck and neuro
xtrnal 4m AP and mbryo
viva starts vth a bone..... all bones available....so relatd qustin.....
MAM ATIYA.... mandible, msle atachmnt, N.sply of digastric n reasn, age 4m mandible, brnchs of mandibular N. max.N, max.A.....also cranial fossae n st passing.... NEURO... brainstem ,pons, nerve nuclei at various levls
XTRNAL......x.ray spotng, u.bladr,prostate n clinicl, liver n kidny n their pritonum , EMBRYO....relatd only 2 urognital.....

mam atia

skull foramina contents
venous sinuses
attachment of tentorium
attachment at mendibles
movement at atlantoaxial joint
age determination of mandible

black eye
nerve supply of various muscles
parotid swelling

neuro metathalamus
spoting on brain
nuclei of cranial nerves
type of nuclei
nerves exi from brain which frm where


structure passing through foramen magnum
vertebral artery

development of pancreas
only ask embryo from git and urogenital

portal hypertension
sacral canal contents
spleen impressions
portal vein
duodenum parts and lengths
blood supply of pancreas

the external is very found of maxillary sinus.kept asking me bout it for 5 minutes.she told the treatment of sinusitis to give steam to the patient. !

spotting v v easy.

wht is dermatome,

mostly basic questions asked. .br of maxillary and opthalmic artery.

foramina of skull....

mam atiya........boundries ov midle cranial fossa....structures passing through superior orbital fissure.........nerve supply of INTRAocular muscles......cortical areas in occipetal lobe.......dats it....

external iz even more chill than mam atiya...........just asked devalopmant ov suprarenal


Atlanto-axial joint: articular surfaces, type of joint, movements produced at joint

What bones form the nasal septum? Nerve supply of nasal septum. From which nerve does the anterior ethmoidal nerve arise?

Which cranial nerve nuclei arise from the pons?

What are the nuclei of the facial nerve?

What are the differences between dural venous sinuses and normal veins? (Make sure to mention that dural venous sinuses are VALVELESS)


Based on x-ray, is the pelvis male or female? Is the ischial tuberosity inverted or everted in the female? Why?

What are the functions of air sinuses? Identify maxillary sinus on x-ray. What are special features of the maxillary sinus?

Asked to pick up kidney and how to determine its orientation.

Asked to pick up uterus and describe its layers and development.

stomach blood supply n development, oesophageal varices, testis side determination, liver supports n ligaments, vertebra ideentification, gubernaculum, angle of mandible on x ray n develpment of mmandible

maam atiya:
foramina of midddle cranial fossa, structures passng thru superior orbital fissure, branches of nasociliary nerve, nerve supply of cornea, bld supply of cornea, side determination of cerebrum, functional areas of frontal lobe
External + Prof Atiya


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