Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Viva Questions Prof 2010 King Edward Medical University
----------------------------------------FORENSIC MEDICINE---------------------
medicine viva ws d def 4m trauma,law,asphyxia,autpsy n thana.
10th december forensic medicine viva
define death,brain death,medicolegal significance of brain death,adipocere formation,appearnce,reason fr it,ligature mark,colour changes,wt sort of abrasion is it? Surest sign of pregnancy by luking at body,reasons of death in criminal abortion,hw to confirm septicemia in dead body by just luking at it,def of viable fetus,hw to determine viability.
hand saw use, spinal cord extractor, femur agae from bone, 2 x ray age of fetus age from carpal bone, human rbcs, teichmen, cepahlic index medullary index, stature frome one arm, cookie cutter phenomenon, maggot infestation, defense incise wound the nature from qasaa n diya, rickocheting, isqat e janin. no of swabs for chemical n DNA from vagina.
time ki shadeed kami other wise ok
define death changes in skeletal muscles after death how to differentiate primary from secondary relaxation by just lukin at body, discoloration of putrfaction y ileac fossa. law, type of statute law, mc naughtens rule, specimen collected from victim of sexual assault, controle saliva specimen collection, surest sign of pregnancy, criminal abortion, isqat e hamal n janin guy not scary, helps u out if u forget.
if ur copy is not signed in foresnic biology dont sign it ur self ....(no seriosly dont)
q we got with forensic spotting.rabbit ear phoneomen (yeah u read it right),signature fracture , pugilistic attitie am/pm.umm how many swabs taken in rape .(5 , confirmatory test for sperms(its microscopy).do shajja shujja well.umm and u get atleast one fetus xray.
also male hipbone is no 2 and 3 .(confirm).male sacrum is broken :)
bout forensic viva : defination ,classifciations of injuries,types,superficial stuff mostly......biochemical changes in asphyxia.....but the definiations must be exact toxi spotting is v easy.just do fetal doses ,active principles of things in lab
fornsic viva why tests are fail? name asphyxiants.. diagnosis of co posioning at autopsy tabel (pm staining) cnfarmatory test 4 it name also ..trinders test name cardic poisons ext .... taken by sir saeed def autopsy . psychological autopsy ,.. ML autopsy nd purpose >>> clinical autopsy nd purpose... how will u determine fatal period ..PM staining nd significance... colour of staining in different poisons,,,. eg h2snon specific singss of asphyxia.. significance of petechial develpo also name other conditions in which they develop.... prof. misconduct.. wt. is privilage of RMP.... WT WEAPONS CAUSE abrasion nd bruse...graze abbrasion.... biology spotting..docket ... sacral index.. isqate jenin.. length of glenoid cavity in male female .. skull model of bevelling... skull sutures determine age... clavicle x-ray. lead pellets .. human hair... chicken rbcs... band of reduced hb. in specroscope .. is specreoscope is cnframatory test...two true false statements... captin in a ship theory... nd many more......
external viva define medicolegal autopsy its objectives asphyxia bevellin phenomen chokin
@Izza terse is f9 bt dnt take it wd u dat day coz he got pissed wen he saw every1 readin terse outside his office n my whole batch suffered coz ov dis
5 hours ago · Like · Comment · Subscribe
forensic medicinespottingtable 1bone cuttertable 2human rbctable 3uv lamptable 4foetal x raytable 5clavicaltable 6spermstable 7hip bone sextable 8hyoid x raytable 9nose cut modeltable 10putrefaction model
Forensic medicin!Sir is asking basic definitions chill mahol, def of death, asphyxia, putrefction n its mechanism, autopsy objectivs n protocol. Findings in drowning. Def 4m law, findings in dry burnsazeem
My viva qs ...define law,negligence,misconduct,asphyxia,drowning,anoxia,artefact,autopsy artefacts,mechanism of death in fresh water drowning
asad saleem
Autopsy... Incomplete... Complete hanging... Asphyxia...death. Mode ... Manner of death
ahasan TA
Yar viva goes almost gud by the grace of Allah Almighty. Frnsc med only basicaly external take viva he asked simple defPersonal id defMthds to establish idTest can be performed on blood principle of benzidine testWhat is adipocere appearenceWhat is most common ext finding in am drowningWhat are imp int findings in am flame burnIn which age fetus is viableCharacteristics and appearence of full term fetus.
Ahmad naseer
fornsic viva why tests are fail?
name asphyxiants.. diagnosis of co posioning at autopsy tabel (pm staining) cnfarmatory test 4 it name also ..trinders test name cardic poisons
ext .... taken by sir saeed def autopsy . psychological autopsy ,.. ML autopsy nd purpose >>> clinical autopsy nd purpose... how will u determine fatal period ..
PM staining nd significance... colour of staining in different poisons,,,. eg h2s
non specific singss of asphyxia.. significance of petechial haemorrhage.....
how develpo also name other conditions in which they develop.... prof. misconduct.. wt. is privilage of RMP.... WT WEAPONS CAUSE abrasion nd bruse...
graze abbrasion....
biology spotting..
docket ... sacral index.. isqate jenin.. length of glenoid cavity in male female .. skull model of bevelling... skull sutures determine age... clavicle x-ray. lead pellets .. human hair... chicken rbcs... band of reduced hb. in specroscope .. is specreoscope is cnframatory test...two true false statements... captin in a ship theory... nd many more......
vivamam nasreen take only external was only seeing bodylanguage and listening to answerquestions usually repeat on the same dayearly changes of deathhypostasistime for develop and going offdiff bw bruise and pm stainingincision testwesaetestamentary capacity
questions with spotingthose which i remember1. res ispa liquitor2. clavical medial end id by hip bone5.prostate portion in semen6. uv lamp uses7. puppes rule8. hesses rule9. test on blood chemical10. 3rd molar space apear11. maceration
itna hi yad hae...........
time on one table ...1 min1.5 mark fr each table5 mark copy30 mark internal
50 mark today....
Knob fractures : in battered babies the parents hold the children from chest and jolt them to and fro resulting in fracturing if ribs at their angles which heal be massive calyx formation giving characteristic appearance of a knob.
-----------------------------FORENSIC TOXI -------------------------------
toxi viva on10th wz a fiasco!!!sir wz asking alot bout alcohol,arsenic n wzn't accepting many ov d answers.wen it wz my turn he switched 2 plumbism.its s/s,radiological findings,treatment...chelating wen i said gastric lavage he din lyk it i guess
spots for toxicology on 8/12
- slide : datura- marking nut - principle of steam distillation ?- charas - Miotic poisons ?
Spots with question -White Aresenic - Fatal dose? fatal period ?-Copper sulphate - ML Signi?-Separating funnel - give uses -Organophosphates
viva - toxi : CO poisoning - MoA, Conc req in airArsenic : Skin changesHeroin : Treatment acuteWhat is Self neglect ?
toxicology spoting...dhatura...tlc scale...opium...abrus.....tobacco...aconite...white arsenic...copper foil...marking nut.......Viva...poisns causing tinnitus...monkshood(other name for aconite)...antidote for atropine...
questions with spots.....identifcn points of 2 dangrous drugs......tlc scale ka use....antidote ov white arsenic.......moa ov sulphuric acid.....fatal dose n period of abrus....medicolegl imp ov marking nut..
toxi spotting . abrus FD. FP. ... copper foil ns principle of reinch test... h2so4 mode of action.. white arsenic nd mode of action nd antidote... ether+alkali sol. use.... dhatura slide ... aconite route nd active principle... TLC scale nd use... marking nut ML imp...... opium nd name dangerous drugs... plz do analytical portion of copy very well eg principle nd procedure sie khalid also asks in viva nd come with question........ MAY ALLAH HELP U ALL.......
Toxi: def poison, forc diuresis, def toxilogy, wht is bionecrosis
ali farman
Muzna's Toxi Key lol:
Simple to identify vale =
1.Nux vomica (like an rbc)
2.Hg (black liquid)
3.CuSO4 (blue)
4.Opium (black)
5.Oleander leaves
6.Abrus (red+black)
Compare by looking together vale =
7.*As white/yellow
8.*Poppy (broken lol)
*Dhatura (hedgehog)
9.*Terpentine (more cleaner orangish)
*kerosine oil (dirty browny muddy)
10.*Croton seeds (plain dirty black
*castor oil seeds (cheetah dots)
11.*Aconite (1 piece)
* Madhar (2 piece wavy)
*Charas (2 fat rectangular blocks)
12.*Capsicum fruit (see both kinds one
looks like a black mirchi other is
black wrinkly - I thot it was a
marking nut :/ )
*Marking nut (black rocky)
*Castor fruit (brown wrinkly)
13.*Dhatura seeds (black concave)
*Capsicum seeds (round golden)
14.*Methi (in a big sealed bottle, have
a good look at its wide leaves)
*Bhang (in a small open bottle dry
dry leaves a bit darker than
methi w/o the pretty big leaves)
#there is an exceptional weird
oldddd pic of meethi in bilal's which
Looks like a crumples black mass
of twigs I think its not available in
lab nowadays! Lol
*Tobacco (like a log shredded
kachara coming out)
Exhibitional poisonin,factors afectin drug actin ,phenobarbital management (mention hypothermia n its management first den rest)dif between synergism n potentiatin
plus make sure he doesnt see terse in ur hand + prepare urself 4 d izat afzai (n it doesnt make any diference whether ur tests r pas or fail he equaly humiliates every1
gud luc !!
paranoid dead drunken syndrome, korsakoff's syndrome, poisons tht resist putrification, y arsenic resists putrefaction, m.o.a of arsenic, reinsch test, y do u put the copper foil in the sublimation tube?? How does it undergo a reduction reaction??
Good Luck!
yaar kuch hi pata hain us din bhi sir nay sab bachon ka nai liya tha start kay kuch bachon ka lia tha bus.... he asked exhibitional poisoning, stationary phase, signs of mercury poisoning .... mje itnay hi pata hain... jaisay hi aur pata chalain gay i'll let u know
he asked precautions for colecting alcholic blood,diff bw tincure iodine and pyodine,forced alkaline diuresis,mangemt ov snake bitn poison,HCN no matter wat u say correct or not ,he wont acept it.
snakes ,lsd (dont have fatal dose).......phosphorus antidote,gas lavage done in phenol(not in oxalic)......imbibing mechanism.....alchol,arsenic sir ko pasand hain ...
1) Factors affecting poisoning.2) Uses of stomach wash.3) Antidote for paracetamol4) Factors increasing the absorption of alcohal from GIT5) Sample for alcohal poisoning in living person.6) Management of snake bite.7) Diffrentiate btw bite of poisonous n non poisonous snakes.8) Signs and treatment of chronic alcohal poisoning.9) 3rd stage of chronic arsenic poisoning
name of war gases ,axphyicants ,wht iz mitha zehr other name of abrus pcetorius .mlc significance of marking nut
wht is necrobiosis ?Necrobiosis occurs in protoplasmic poisons like phosphorus. Which effects cellular oxidation comparable to ischemia. Anoxia results n cellular metabolism dimnishes. Causin necrobiosis classically manifested in liver
Poison causing tinnitusPoison excretd in skinNecrobiosisAntidote def n types
usama hamdani
forced alkalane diuresis,(def, use,) salicylism.Qasim
oxi spotting . abrus FD. FP. ... copper foil ns principle of reinch test... h2so4 mode of action.. white arsenic nd mode of action nd antidote... ether+alkali sol. use.... dhatura slide ... aconite route nd active principle... TLC scale nd use... marking nut ML imp...... opium nd name dangerous drugs... plz do analytical portion of copy very well eg principle nd procedure sie khalid also asks in viva nd come with question........
---------------------------- from TSDOCS---------------------------------------
--Firearm exit wound,hen rbc,clavicle age,hip bone sex,sperms,pellet shots,abrasion,wrist xray,spinal cord extractor,n skul coronet.
--Thanitometer or rectal measure rectal temp..n time since death..bone cuttr..rarely cut the bone to remove e.g a bullet
--Colour test for aspirin: trinders tst.. aspirin in urine can be detected by addition of few drops of ferric chloride when it develops violet colour.Ref....Parikh.
--Alchoholism k features..chronic n treatment..wt preservatvie.korasakof syndrme..opium poisning treatment..atropinizatn..midriatic kn kon c poisons he??.meiotic kon c he??.type ov antidotes..managmeot ov coma..asprin ke liy kon c test he.?wts forced alkaline diuresis? .diff btw bites ov snake??h u diagnose opium poisnin.(sy pin point pupil)in wt other cnditn pin point.?diff frm pontine haemhorge( opium me hypothermia..but pontine me hyperthermia
--Strychnine..vegetble poisn..snake. Bites diff..cardiac poison.(names n main main)arsenic..mercury.phoshorvs..lead..cupper sulphate.
--Def poison..boht poch rhe hai..necrobiosis..wt routine samples u take in autopsy when death due to poisoning..preservatives..methe identify karya..n y put in poison..
--Do opium.alcohol.organophos.dhatura..cannabis..kerosene ..barbituratep
--Sample colectn 4 arsenic n strychnine poisng gastric lavage petroleum biotransformatn active principle n fatal dose of castor oil atropinizatn..
--ive principles.bhang leaves,def formication,tobacco,tlc scale and principle,dathura seeds and points of identification,opium,cu sulphate and its fatal do
--TESTAMENTARY CAPACITY :Ability to produce or present a testimony in court.. . Persn who present testimony is able to do so when1, he is not insane,2, not intoxicated3, is major..
--Mendel law of inheretnce ; Law of segregation z membrz of pair of genc alel segregate 4m each othr nd pas 2 dif gametes Law of indpndnt asortment: genes dat r nt alel pas 2 difrnt gamets indpndnt 4m each othr
--Or viva main to wohe q def death wat r early chngs aftr death n whch case bdy temp inc ans z septicaemia pontine heamrhag wat z privilg comunicatn featrz of ful trm fetus fctrz afctng projctile wat z tail wag phenomenn its cause cukie cut phenomenon end reslt of firearm airembolism nd pnemothoraw ka autpsy protocol autopsy findng of vagal inhbtn mens rea reaus acts diminsh respnsbility pmdc k func adipocere nd its idntifctn livity n heamrhgc vctm
--Bone cutter. Used wen bullet is embeded in bone. To cut open d long bones.Magnifyin lens. To collect trace evidnce.Locate minor injuriz.Identify wound margin.Uv. To viwe washed out or dried stains thanitometer1.Temp of cadaver2. coolin rate3. time since deathschears for cutting ribs.
--Asphyxia def,trace evidence definition,causes of death in criminal abortion,m/l autopsy,negative autopsy,clasification of mech.Asphyxia,injuries.Difference b/w stab &incised wound,waghaira
--spotng main skul exit wound camel rbc clavicl age xray of wrist age 15 to 16 skul coronat nd uses abrasion wd dirction wala model find statr by forearm gurh jaifa def exhumatn def sperm ke slide spnal cord extrctor nasal indx gunshot entry wounds at bck of bdy modl benzidne z carcingnc tru Rigr mrts pas away n 12 to 36 hr hypostasis fix n 6 to 12 hr
--Trachea specimenslide of hen rbc bullet rifld firearm skul suture closure drowning model femur both fused age above 21
viva def autopsy asphyxia exhumation limitationsdrowning types basically he asks def
--Naseb mai koi pneumothorax aur air embolism ke autopsy proc hain,benzidine,phenophthalein test,lysosmal enzyme name in autolysis,trigger area of female genital
--Chromogen tears atropine muscarinic poisoning Prac Bahng leaves slide Applicator, function Kjeldhals flask steam distillation principle Paracetamol antodote mechanism of action Opium Castor oil fruit Tobacco fatal dose Madar active principle
--Testamentary documentA document which invalidates a will made by a person on the grounds that the person was insane and not fully aware of the act, he didnt know the consequences of his act and he wouldn have disposed his property by will if he was normalTestamentary capacity:It is the capability or capacity to make a valid will. Conditions are1> must be major2> sound disposing mind- lucid interval3> understand nature and consequence4> reason for his action5> executing voluntarily without influence6> sign in the presence of 2 witness, 1 of whom is medical man. And none should benefit
--Sir khalid is really v nice.woh acha poochtay hai.act prin, mode of action, rx of korsakoff psychosis ,asked lsd ki fatal dose jo nahi hoti hai blood specimen perservation,control specimen,forced alkaline diuresis,names drugs of abuse names hallucinogens.
--Skull coronet. Holding d skull n hanging in freezer.Chisel. Used wd a hammer to open d vault.Catlin. Raising d periosteum n cleanin d skull.Hand saw. To cut open d vault.Spinesaw. To cut d vertebral column.Measuring tape. Lenght ov cadaver. Lenght ov a wound.Scale.. Distance ov an injury frm a bony landmark.Probe. Depth ov injury.Bowel scissorz.cuttin d bowel.Bone cutter. Used to cut bone wen sm bullet etc has enterd into t.
--TOXI: Mode of death in acute arsenic poisoning: narcotic, fluid and electrolyte imbalance, heart failure, chelation,MOA of CuSO4,dangerous drugs define n name, wat is self neglect n drugs causing it, WHO defintion of drug adiction, chromogen tearz mechanism,difrnce in renal colic pain n lead colic,punctate basophilia,antidote of phenol,strychnine,coper sulphate:pot.ferocyanide,dhatura,heroin,atropinization, route of adminstration of physostigmine,atropine, reaction in chronic arsenic poisning,mercuria lentis,erythism,position of gastric lavage..why n in wat cases gastric lavage is done even when the poison has been completly absorbd,road poisons,dif in strychnine poisning n tetaus,poisons causing alopecia: oxalic acid and As,poisons excreted on skin,only sample imp to colect in barbiturate poisning..
--Burking is a form of asphyxial death which is a combination of traumatic asphyxia and manual throttling. Parekh mein likha hai
--Saliva collection..1. Wash mouth wd saline.2. Then wd plain water3. Ask d person to chew a soft 'inert' substance like soft pebble4. Ask hm to relax facial muscle.5. Tilt head6. Collet saliva in a test tube.Pehle saline phr water ha
Chromogen tears atropine muscarinic poisoning Prac Bahng leaves slide Applicator, functionKjeldhals flask steam distillation principleParacetamol antodote mechanism of actionOpium Castor oil fruitTobacco fatal doseMadar active principle--dhatura microscopy,coper sulphate poisning,mees line,macewan sign,acute n chronic alcoholism,kapsoki's psychosis,neurotropic poisn--
CMH QUESTNZSTAS OTTO,Reinch's test,vegetable poisoning,HCN, Opium alkaloids,run amok,chronic alchoholism 3 stages,Florence test.A/M burning signs, CO tests.--Questnz by sir khalid in CMHbarbiturates,dif bw fangs of p0is0n0us n n0n p0is0n0us snakes(bite),chr0nic alc0h0lism,p0is0ning fact0rz ac0rdng 2 t0xi n pers0n,benzidine test 4 blo0d,age of bruise,peak retensi0n,organ0,crdiac p0is0n,abs0rpti0n of p0is0n,atr0pinizati0n,viperz,vitri0lage n dif b w nitric n sulfuric vitri0lage,sulphuric acid,m0rfine,its derivatives,PM apearance,plant 4m wch it is drivd,synrgsm,bi0transf0rmatn,ED 50,LD 50,--
t0xi branches,veterenary n f0rnsc t0xi,rati,efct of oxalic acid on d kidney,MOA of alc0hol,strychnine,organo,dif bw tetanus n strychnine p0is0ning(AM b kr lena,PM dif is dat strychnine me PM caloricity)heat injury,oval w0und in wch case,pers0nal id,types of evidnce,atr0pinizati0n wid d0se,c0caine bug,fl0rnce test,drug adicti0n,TLF,Rf value,fatal peri0d,DDT,digital xam of vagina,m0de,manner,abrus precat0rius,clasif of p0is0ns--
EXTERNALexhumation,cndtion whr it z fruitful,mdicolegl autpsy,whz da authrity 4 it,diagnstc sign ov strvation,resn ov death ov mother in crimnal abrtio
'Even ,odd rule':Its 4 seing k either bullet z insid body or nt v count entry n exit wound if firearm wounds r in odd no it means bulet insid.excptions r if bulet brokn into pcs ech pc hs seprat exit n if sec misles form due 2 bone fracture dy exit v may hav grter no of exit wound.
--Skull coronet..fixatin ov skull..spinal cord extractr..2 extract da spinal cord..chisel. .to open skull with help of hammer..n open skull with help ov chisel...--define death,brain death,cause of death in criminl abortn,bruise,clr changs in bruse,green 4 wt ?lividty clr in haemrhage(muje nai aya),late changs,hw wl u recgnize the body going adipocere(rancid smel i sd,sir askd or or,it ws greasy shayd)..--Spine cut vertebral cut or open uault ov skull...catlin ..periosteal elevator to clean the skull--Ques dat i had in spoting: am burnz,pm drowning, jurh, benzidne tst, chisel n usez, sacral indx n also do al othr indicz,medulary,heit etc..--Forensic med.external sir is asking definitions a all def very well.brain death.asphyxia,death,3 vital systems,casper s dictim,lynching,importance of molecular death,trace evid,autopsy,diff bw lac and sharp edge wound,on skull diff lac and sharp using magnifying glass,incised and stab,homicidal and suicidal cut throat,abras,bruise,prof misconduct,med negligence,burn artefacts,pm finding in traumatic asphyxia,pm find in starvation,dd of rigor mortis,control specimen collection in saliva given in naseeb,polygraphy or smthing like tht is lie detector test,ppc sec 82,83immaturity,84 insanity,85 intoxication.--Cntact flattenin,defnse wounds,incisd wounds models. Takayama slide.spinal saw,chisel +uses,adult mandible,female hipbone.
What is the antidote of paracetamol?
exectlent....great job.
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