6th KAPS Inter-Class Video Competition with Music Performances

KAPS Presents
6th Annual Inter-Class Video Competition with Music Show
on 21st April,2012
Every year, Kemcolians display their aesthetics and creativity by making short videos. This year, we provide you that platform again to showcase your ideas and talents.
KEMU Auditorium
The event comprises of three shows. All shows are alike and include short films and music performances. The prizes are given to the top three films at the end of first show. Music performances are just for the entertainment purpose and are not the part of competition. Only the ticket bearers are allowed entry to the show.
Any theme can be used. Feel free to explore. Be Creative.
The Judging:
Videos will be judged based on the criteria below. The decision taken by the judges will be deemed final.
1 Creativity: Originality of the plot; use of original ideas, illustrations, and stylep.
2 Coherence: Link of the video to the theme.
3 Visual Aesthetics: Appearance of the video.
4 Cinematography: Quality of the audio, lighting and camera steadiness.
5 Video Editing
General Guidelines:
* Time limit for the video is 6-8 minutes. Videos longer than the time limit will result in deduction of marks by the
* The videos must not include any obscene, vulgar or objectionable material.
* All submission media (CDs or DVDs, etc) become the property of KAPS and will not be returned to the creator(s)
so please do not send us your only copy.
* If your video is rejected, coordinators may attempt to contact you to discuss possible edits or alterations that would make it acceptable.
Format Guidelines:
1. Submissions may be in any format.
2. Submissions can be made through a CD or a DVD or a USB/PEN drive.
3. Please send the best quality possible (i.e. the video should typically be 640x480 or bigger). Do not attempt using
cell-phone cameras for video capturing.
Submission Guidelines:
Submit your video to any of the KAPS MEMBERS from 4th year or FINAL YEAR. Please make sure that all your submission media are clearly labeled(i-e the Team Making the Video, and the Titile of the video) Also include the following details (as a printed copy) with the media for each of your entries:
* Name(s) of creator(s) and Class
*Contact No.
* Email address
* Video title
Submissions must be received by 20th April,2012.
- 1st: Rs. 5000
- 2nd: Rs.3000
- 3rd: Rs. 2000
-Beside the Prize money there will be "Shields" & "Certificate of Merit" for Winners
-All the winners will be invited to Annual Dinner at the end of the year.
-There will be "Certificate of Participation" for all the Participants
For any queries, or to submit your video, contact
General Secretary KAPS : Moaz Zia 0345-7547787 or
Asst. Finance Secretary KAPS : Abdullah Sohail 0333-8100707
Here are the winning films and some of the music performances from last year's event
1st: Qabar Say Mazaar Tak
2nd: Resident Evil
3rd: Talaash
Click on the link below for more
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