Allotment in King Edward GIRLS HOSTEL is more like an election season!
hype…hoopla…excitement….stochasticity…politics…fun….IT’S ABOUT EVERYTHING!
dedicated to the VICTIMS OF ALLOTMENT :P
dedicated to the VICTIMS OF ALLOTMENT :P
SCENE 1(DISPLAY OF THE ROOMS AND MERIT LIST-afra tafri, dhakkam peel):
When the lists are finally displayed!!!
the FOREVER ALONE NOTICE BOARD gets to know its worth!
There are LONG and LONG queues of girls in front of it!
a real rush... agitated girls pushing others to get to the lists!
(gals run towards the notice board as if PROF RESULT is displayed :D :P)
the FOREVER ALONE NOTICE BOARD gets to know its worth!
There are LONG and LONG queues of girls in front of it!
a real rush... agitated girls pushing others to get to the lists!
(gals run towards the notice board as if PROF RESULT is displayed :D :P)

and if you somehow grab a copy of that list, you suddenly turn into a celebrity! You’ll be contacted by people who normally won’t even dare say hi :P
SCENE 2(POLITICS-texiaann):
After that everybody plunges into the MERIT HUNT!!
rule: merits will strictly be distributed on the FIRST COME FIRST GET basis :P
and the time, normal people get to think of talking to someone about merit, they’re left with just their own merits :P
in KE, to get access to a merit, u ought to be
rule: merits will strictly be distributed on the FIRST COME FIRST GET basis :P
and the time, normal people get to think of talking to someone about merit, they’re left with just their own merits :P
in KE, to get access to a merit, u ought to be
SCENE 3(DITCHING-dost dost na rahaaa)
And even if u get to pair up with some high merit girl, there
are high chances that on the very day of allotment she’d tell you that she has
changed her group and u should better contact someone else :/ oopsss!
and you are like

and you are like

SHIFTING-room room na raha)
After the allotment is
somehow done and you have managed to somehow snaffle a room, the people
allotted with your old room would come like the members of the HOUSES REVENUE
DEPARTMENT and ask you to vacate the room asap! And you’ll feel like you’ve
been dwelling in their homes for all that while! (as if you’ve trespassed on
someone’s territory and they’ll be kicking your ass real hard :P)
and you’ll be seeking refuge under the blue sky!! :P

and you’ll be seeking refuge under the blue sky!! :P

Now this is something really really UNEXPECTED!
post allotment fights are nothing new but this year it happened in a very innovative manner with KEROSENE and GADGET FIGHTS!!!! :P and sufferers had no idea that they’d be victims of such an innovative revenge :D or they were not taking it seriously :P

post allotment fights are nothing new but this year it happened in a very innovative manner with KEROSENE and GADGET FIGHTS!!!! :P and sufferers had no idea that they’d be victims of such an innovative revenge :D or they were not taking it seriously :P

(well this was a bit too innovative :P)
Thinking of that REVENGE thing, I think I should get off my
feet and start running
Because by writing this article, I might have annoyed many CULPRITS!! :/ :P
Seriously, no OFFENCES meant!
GOD save me!!!!!
Because by writing this article, I might have annoyed many CULPRITS!! :/ :P
Seriously, no OFFENCES meant!
GOD save me!!!!!
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