The FIRST step towards change is awareness;
The second step is acceptance…………..
Every human has four endowments:
Self-awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom…. The power to choose, to respond to, to change.

I hereby take this step to provide some basic information on a disease that is getting commoner day by day but still women of our society feel shy discussing it. It is becoming a silent killer but still the fear of being “labeled” in our society is more important than a woman’s health. Yes, we still live in a society where even girls visiting a gynecologist is considered utterly unimportant and rather I’d say “not so appreciated”.

This silent killer is PCOS. And the speed with which it is becoming common among women especially teenagers is really shocking. But the thing that is more shocking is the fact that people around us doesn’t even know what PCOS is.

 What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a problem in which a woman's hormones are out of balance. It can cause problems with your periods and make cause infertility. PCOS also may cause unwanted changes in the way you look. If it isn't treated, over time it can lead to serious health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease.

Most women with PCOS grow many small cysts on their ovaries. That is why it is called polycystic ovary syndrome. The cysts are not harmful but lead to hormone imbalances.
Early diagnosis and treatment can help control the symptoms and prevent long-term problems.

Causes of PCOS

For reasons that are not well understood, in PCOS the hormones get out of balance. One hormone change triggers another, which changes another.

For example:

  • ·    The sex hormones get out of balance. Normally, the ovaries make a tiny amount of male sex hormones (androgens). In PCOS, they start making slightly more androgens. This may cause you to stop ovulating, get acne, and grow extra facial and body hair.

  • ·    The body may have a problem using insulin, called insulin resistance. When the body doesn't use insulin well, blood sugar levels go up. Over time, this increases your chance of getting diabetes.

The cause of PCOS is not fully understood, but genetics may be a factor. PCOS seems to run in families, so your chance of having it is higher if other women in your family have it or have irregular periods or diabetes. PCOS can be passed down from either your mother's or father's side.


Symptoms tend to be mild at first. You may have only a few symptoms or a lot of them. The most common symptoms are:
  1.   Acne     
  2.   Weight gain and trouble losing weight.     
  3.   Extra hair on the face and body. Often women get thicker and darker facial hair and     more hair on the chest, belly, and back.
  4.   Thinning hair on the scalp.
  5.   Irregular periods. PCOS mostly produces oligomenorrhea (few menstrual periods) or   amenorrhea (no menstrual periods), but other types of menstrual disorders may also   occur.
  6.   Fertility problems. Many women who have PCOS may have problem of infertility.
  7.   Depression and anxiety

How Is PCOS Diagnosed?

There is no definitive test for PCOS. To make a diagnosis, your doctor will review your medical history and symptoms and perform tests to rule out other possible conditions. Your doctor will perform a physical and pelvic examination to look for signs of PCOS, such as swollen ovaries.
Blood tests to measure hormone levels are typically ordered, as well as:
  • thyroid function tests to determine how much of the thyroid hormone your body produces
  • fasting glucose tests to measure your blood sugar levels
  • lipid level tests to assess the amount of cholesterol in your blood

How is PCOS Treated?

Ultrasound allows your gynecologist to create real-time images of your reproductive organs. A pelvic laparoscopy is a surgical procedure in which your doctor makes a small incision in your abdomen and inserts a tiny camera to check for growths on your ovaries. If growths are present, your doctor may take a small tissue sample (biopsy) for further examination.

Treatment focuses on controlling symptoms and managing the condition to prevent complications. The treatment will vary from woman to woman, depending on your specific symptoms.
A healthy diet and regular exercise is recommended for women who are overweight. This can help regulate your menstrual cycle and lower your blood glucose levels. 
Anti-androgens are drugs that reduce male hormone levels. These can help stop excess hair growth and reduce acne. Diabetes medications may also be prescribed to lower blood glucose and testosterone levels.
Surgery may be recommended for some women with PCOS. Ovarian drilling is a procedure in which your doctor punctures your ovary with a small needle carrying an electric current in order to destroy part of the ovary. This is a short-term solution that can promote ovulation and reduce male hormone levels.

How can you cope up with emotional effects of PCOS?

Having PCOS can be difficult. You may feel:
  • Embarrassed by your appearance
  • Worried about being able to get pregnant
  • Depressed
Getting treatment for PCOS can help with these concerns and help boost your self-esteem. You may also want to look for support groups in your area or online to help you deal with the emotional effects of PCOS. You are not alone and there are resources available for women with PCOS.

Signs and indications of PCOS are not themselves silent but actually the ignorance and lack of awareness takes this syndrome to higher dangerous levels.So the first thing that a girl should do wen the symptoms appear is consult her gynecologist. There is no need to be shy or to feel awkward. You can take someone into confidence , your mother, a friend, if you feel like. The gynecologist will completely examine your history and your ovaries for the symptoms being indicated.
The other thing you need to understand that this disease is not fatal unless you ignore the symptoms. with you taking your first step to your gynecologist is your first step to your healthy being..

Spread The Awareness:

After self-awareness it is important that you take steps to spread the awareness in your school colleges and neighbourhood and let not PCOS win.
Stay Strong.
Stay Blessed!!


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