21 Secrets Medical Students Will Never Tell You

By  on buzzfeed.com

1. We have to memorise so many new words it feels like our brains are about to explode.

21 Secrets Medical Students Will Never Tell You
Learning how to spell “choledocholithiasis,” “xerostomia,” and “epistaxis” is harder than you’d think.

2. We have an unspoken rule about never making fun of people doing digital rectal examinations.

21 Secrets Medical Students Will Never Tell You
CW / Via buzzfeed.com
Because we all have to do them at some point.

3. Students will screw over other students in order to make their way to the top.

21 Secrets Medical Students Will Never Tell You
E4 / Via pandawhale.com
Medical students are a competitive bunch, which makes med school pretty dog-eat-dog.

4. No matter how hard we try, ward rounds are always boring.

Following a doctor around whilst they check on patients just isn’t fun.

5. And anatomy sessions make us really hungry.

21 Secrets Medical Students Will Never Tell You
E4 / Via weheartit.com
I wasn’t just salivating over the cadaver, I swear.

6. Medical Student Syndrome is a very real thing.

21 Secrets Medical Students Will Never Tell You
Read about diseases all day, and you’ll end up thinking you’ve got all of them.

7. And we can’t help but diagnose everyone around us.

21 Secrets Medical Students Will Never Tell You

8. Pretty much every consultant thinks they’re all that.

21 Secrets Medical Students Will Never Tell You
They’ve worked their way to the top and now they’re basking in the glory.

9. Which means that they abuse their power over you.

21 Secrets Medical Students Will Never Tell You

10. Or they couldn’t care less that you exist.

21 Secrets Medical Students Will Never Tell You

11. And yet we always suck up to our superiors.

21 Secrets Medical Students Will Never Tell You
BBC / Via pandawhale.com
Because if you want to get signed off your firm, you’ve got to make your loyalties known.

12. We have a mini-panic attack every time a consultant asks us a question we don’t know the answer to.

21 Secrets Medical Students Will Never Tell You
FOX / Via campusdiaries.com

13. And we get bollocked if we don’t know the answer.

21 Secrets Medical Students Will Never Tell You
Consultants expect us to read on our way to the hospital, when we get home, before going to bed, and while we’re actually asleep.

14. But when we get something right, we feel on top of the world.

21 Secrets Medical Students Will Never Tell You
E4 / Via pandawhale.com

15. Having to do on calls and night shifts when we aren’t even getting paid for it feels unfair.

21 Secrets Medical Students Will Never Tell You
Warner Bros. / Via thebrokegirls.com
Seriously. Making us do 24-hour on-call shifts and not paying us is the worst.

16. Exams cause every single one of us to melt down.

There are too many diseases, too many bones, and too many drugs to learn.

17. We make jokes about all of our patients.

21 Secrets Medical Students Will Never Tell You
If we’re joking, at least we’re not crying.

18. And we become exceptionally cynical about everything and everyone.

21 Secrets Medical Students Will Never Tell You
Dealing with death on a daily basis is emotionally draining.

19. We get stressed out by our non-medic friends graduating, getting married, and having kids.

21 Secrets Medical Students Will Never Tell You
Warner Bros. / Via fyeahfriendsgifs.tumblr.com
While we’re still in med school, it feels like everyone around us is moving on with their lives.

20. At some point, we have all considered dropping out and just becoming a pharmacist.

21 Secrets Medical Students Will Never Tell You

21. And when people ask us why we chose to study medicine, we don’t really remember.

21 Secrets Medical Students Will Never Tell You
Ummmmm…because it looks cool on TV? Oh, and we save lives.


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