
Showing posts from May, 2011

The KDS Annual Long & Short Play: Official Event Review !!

There are two very special days in KE, both highly awaited, both thoroughly enjoyed and both fondly remembered… One, the rare day when Munir Sahab doesn’t strike your attendance off in Pharma… And the other… the KDS-held ANNUAL PLAY! Barney Stinson... thought the posters were !AWESOME! One look at this year’s dazzlingly bright Play posters had EVERYONE buzzing with excitement. ‘Tis was May the 18 th when KDS unleashed its much anticipated Long Play Main Pagal Nahi Hun!?! and Short Play Maa . With previous hit dramas like Zindagi Kai Platform Par and Khajoor Mai Atka , this year’s KDS had to respond to massive expectations, and did they?? Heck YEAH! SHORT PLAY: MAA Directed by Rizwan Khan, Written by Sohaib Anwaar Basheera and Nazeera Maa centred on the theme of two pitiable brothers whose lust for fame and fortune lead them to the horrific act of using their own disabled mother. Qasim Khan as Bashira proved himself a veteran of such roles amidst some very livid eye expressions!

King Edward Debating Society Presents KEMPhonasthesia 2011 - Rules and Regulations.

KEMPHONAESTHESIA  Rules Categories Impromptu Speaking Reading Monologue Spelling Bee General Rules: (i) Participants should register to his/her class KEDS representative before 6th of june . They can register in all four categories . (ii) Each contestant shall introduce his/herself by mentioning the name and class at the beginning of speech . (iii) Any  vulgar, disgraceful or personal remarks will be penalized. However participant can speak in humorous style and quotes and will be encouraged. (v) Each participant shall bring his/her own writing utensils  ( Pen, pencil, Ball point , Marker ) . (iv) Judges are in complete control of the competition. Their decisions are final. 1. Impromptu speaking rules : (i) Each contestant shall be given the topic at the spot. He will choose from the box . (ii)The speech must be original to the student and must be developed during the round. No pre-written or memorized speeches are allowed. (iii) The topic chosen

Laiba Khalid’s: FIRST YEAR CHRONICLES Episode: 1 ‘How it All Began’

Laiba Khalid’s : FIRST YEAR CHRONICLES Episode: 1 ‘How it All Began’ 1 st year , a common occurrence at KEMU – occurs every year. Every year a new generation of nerds and geeks is enslaved in the name of modern medicine, and the older one gets a fix of stress relief. For those of you who are wondering where I am at, it’s called ragging . After years in lifeless primary and secondary institutes, months in hard knock academies, and for some of us here, certain days right there on the roads, we finally got to our dream university . Kind makes one wonder what dreams we people have. I mean cutting dead people and learning about equally sick human parts. I kinda wanted to write more, but yeah, that’s about it. And when we graduate, a further array of road protests await us. Yes YDA, fresh blood is en route. As a class we would prove we rocked a lot, but before coming to KE we surely had a rocky time! Perhaps because this year only the lucky ones got through the t

SPWS 4th Annual Charity Bake-sale 2011!!

The most enticing event of the year is just around the corner! SPWS brings you the BAKE SALE 2011 !! Treat your taste buds with the home-made delicacies of our Kemcolian Chefs . And join hands with SPWS to raise funds to upgrade the ICU n HUD of East Medicine and South Surgical Wards of Mayo Hospital. A Proud Anecdote: Last Year’s bake sale was indeed an incredible one. The SPWS was able to generate a sum total of Rs. 223524/- . And the 1 st Year (present 2 nd Year) stunned everybody with its fun filled b’day theme and a marvelous sales’ day ending at Rs. 82540/-. (The effort of the whole class was highly acknowledged and the class was awarded a shield and a letter of appreciation.) SPWS on the other hand performed this sanctimonious task o f handing over SLE 2000 infant ventilator and siemens compressor to M.S LWH for the little angels. This year SPWS has aimed to donate the following equipments to Mayo Hospital: ventilators, cardiac monitors, defibrillators

You Are Not Alone !

Here's a series of articles in which medical students and experts share how they cope with the challenges of Medical Training. First get yourself a free account here . as the articles are available to members only. Tips for Surviving Medical School Follow this advice to not only conquer medical school but also make it a rewarding experience.   Do not compete with your classmates or compare your grades with others. We all had to be competitive to get into medical school. But once you are accepted, it becomes a level playing field.Getting a 95% on your pathology exam does not mean you will be a great pathologist or clinician... (Click the link above to read on...) 10 Unwritten Rules About Surviving the Third Year   Here's some advice on moving seamlessly from the classroom into your clinical rotations.And prevent THIS from happening...   You will be tired after rotations and you won't feel like studying at the end of the day. Many third-year students will tell y

Your Weekly Dose Of Kellogs

We live in troubled times. Our country and its people are being made to pay dearly for the doom and misfortune that's befalling in other parts of the world. Or maybe they're just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I guess this week's Kellogs feature sounds too sombre. But then these are sombre times and we have tough things to take stock of and untoward circumstances to come to terms with. This Kellogs Weekly is dedicated to all those Pakistanis who've forever lost some part of their life to this ongoing wave of terrorism and confusing loyalties which seem to have taken hold of the air, water and soil of our homeland. Read this very moving poem by Arooj Kohli of 3rd yr, written on the occasion of the extremely tragic demise of the son of our beloved Anatomy demonstrator, Sir Javed Iqbal, who lost his life in the terrorist attacks on the Ahmedi mosque in Lahore on 28th May 2010. We hope and pray that all the families and homes hit by the crippling hailstorm of terr

IFMSA's BLS.. An event to remember

From the typing down of the final membership lists or sitting on the stairs on the last day playing weird songs from my cellphone on the microphone, this year's BASIC LIFE SUPPORT program was a roller coaster ride............ The preparations began early in April although the event dates were 26th, 27th and 28th of April . On the registration day the organizers found themselves practically drowning under wave after wave of students. With a seat limit of 120 we had to refuse alot of people but after seeing the bared fangs and sharpened talons of final year we very "willingly" stretched the seat limit to a ground breaking and first time ever 239. This included the energetic participants from SIMS and CMH as well. The first day all organizers came looking all prim and pretty to the auditorium three hours before the start of the BLS course. But all thanks to WAPDA and the super heat in no time we all looked as if we had just run a marathon. But the enthusiasm of all the

The BSc English Exam: Guide to Becoming a Graduate before completing your MBBS !!

APPLYING FOR BSC ENGLISH EXAMINATION WHILE DOING MBBS!  by Rafeh Saeed and McFearless WHO CAN APPLY? Anyone having his/her MBBS 2nd prof result card in hand [Passed ofcourse;)] can apply to sit for BSc.english examination. The subjects that we study in 1st and 2nd year are enough to fulfil the requisites (including Pak studies and Islamiat), and when you take the english paper, u're qualified to be a BSc graduate! WHY TO APPEAR? You'll have an additional degree of Bachelor of Science in addition to the usual BACHELOR OF MEDICINE AND BACHELOR OF SURGERY. And this also by simply appearing in an English exam. This Bsc degree can be helpful for those in-particular who have made their minds to join  civil services  or continue their carreers as  masters in science  of any speciality conjoined to medicine or strongly related. It can adorn your CV. And you can stand in an  election  by fulfilling the graduate requirement ! (legally of cours


Quiet. Everything’s quiet after a huge storm. I guess that’s how one could aptly describe the state… or should I say ‘status’ of KE’s virtual world. If you’re a Kemcolian (or a Kemcolian’s friend… or a friend of a Kemcolian’s friend –whose fb account was recruited to perform the much-in-demand task of ‘liking a photo’) you’d know that a crazy storm in the garb of the KELS-held Photo Competition recently hit KE.                                           Aye Caramba!  Creativity and humour knew no bounds as students from every year raced to send in their photos, all at the eleventh hour! KELS’s inbox, feeling awfully neglected at the week’s start, was close to bursting at the end. Frantic calls to extend the dead line were answered by the powers that be with an almighty ‘OK!’ and a 2pic max was changed to 4. The theme was ‘KE through my Eyes’  that brought in pics ranging from hostel cats to Sir Akram’s bat,  pigeon flights to DH-sights, building scenes to well umm Manno the garb